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Powerful SWOT Insights with Workplace Insight Pro

Best Companies provides a simple and concise breakdown of your employee engagement strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

How do you analyse your employee engagement survey data?

Do you look at it from an organisation-wide perspective, or maybe it’s something that’s best left to teams to handle themselves? What about the different job grades in your business, or whether there’s variance in how different parts of the company responded? Finding your key engagement strengths and weaknesses can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and HR and Executive teams can struggle to find the time to comb through the numbers.

In Workplace Insight Pro, your SWOT analysis is designed to simplify your engagement results. By comparing your results with accreditation benchmarks and your most recent survey data, the analysis identifies any statistically significant differences in your results. The tool also cross-references the data with your significant areas of engagement, giving you a simple and concise breakdown on your engagement Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats.

SWOT analysis is available for your organisation-wide and team/department-level engagement results. By logging into Workplace Insight directly, managers can review their team engagement and a team-specific SWOT analysis to drive improvement at a more granular level.

To see more information on the benefits of Workplace Insight Pro, click here or contact us.

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Employee engagement solutions

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