Argyll Scott

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Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
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Officially an Outstanding
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Officially a World Class
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Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
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Officially a Global*
Good Company
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Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

JOHN HUNTER, THE recruitment consultancy's chief executive, does not mince his words. “We are about making money,” he says. “We are not here to provide a public service — but we strive to provide great service that we can monetise for all of our benefits.” The 46-strong workforce at this firm, founded in London in 2010 and up 30 places in our list this year, specialises in sectors ranging from accountancy to technology, and appreciates this direct approach. Staff say their managers express appreciation for a job well done (93% positive, ranking second).

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Argyll Scott

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Company

100% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Argyll Scott is passionate about developing and promoting their own people. They create bespoke development programmes for individuals who are identified as suitable future leaders. They offer them a combination of offsite, classroom and on the desk training together with ongoing mentoring by the senior leaders of our business and job shadowing as appropriate. Mentoring has been highly effective in allowing managers to discuss management issues with an experienced leader from a different part of the business and to benefit from their different perspective, experience and gain valuable insight from them. Argyll Scott measures the performance of its managers through a set of KPIs and objectives that are set, mutually agreed and reviewed on an annual, quarterly and monthly basis. These are a combination of personal and team performance and revenue targets and headcount growth targets and employee retention and development objectives.


100% of staff agreed

The leader of this organisation runs this organisation based on sound moral principles

The senior management team sits with the recruitment teams in the open plan office. They do not shut themselves away in private offices. They are extremely visible and have an “open door” management policy. The whole of the senior management team, including the CEO, handle recruitment assignments and are client facing so they genuinely lead by example and thereby actively demonstrate their hands on commitment to the values of the organisation. The senior management team jointly present to the business on a quarterly and bi-annually basis to update employees on company performance, initiatives and objectives, linking all activity back to the vision, mission and values of the organisation. By so doing, they are able to demonstrate their commitment to the values of the organisation by showing trust, sharing insight, demonstrating their talent, celebrating the talent and results of the employees and proving their agility. The CEO is extremely approachable and committed to retaining Argyll Scott's talented employees. He participates in the selection process of all UK based employees and senior international employees, taking a personal interest in ensuring they can attract, hire, train, promote and retain the best talent for the business. The CEO participates in the corporate induction programme, personally explaining the mission, vision and values of the company and thereby demonstrating his commitment to them. On a daily basis, the CEO walks the floor, talking to employees, listening to their suggestions, achievements and feedback on initiatives and advising them on how to handle challenges and obstacles. The CEO hosts monthly lunches with a group of employees from across the business which provides an informal opportunity for him to gauge internal sentiment.

My Manager

100% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

The senior management team sits with the recruitment teams in the open plan office. They do not shut themselves away in private offices. They are extremely visible and have an “open door” management policy. The whole of the senior management team, including the CEO, handle recruitment assignments and are client facing so they genuinely lead by example and thereby actively demonstrate their hands on commitment to the values of the organisation. The senior management team jointly present to the business on a quarterly and bi-annually basis to update employees on company performance, initiatives and objectives, linking all activity back to the vision, mission and values of the organisation. By so doing, they are able to demonstrate their commitment to the values of the organisation by showing trust, sharing insight, demonstrating their talent, celebrating the talent and results of the employees and proving their agility. The CEO is extremely approachable and committed to retaining Argyll Scott's talented employees. He participates in the selection process of all UK based employees and senior international employees, taking a personal interest in ensuring they can attract, hire, train, promote and retain the best talent for the business. The CEO participates in the corporate induction programme, personally explaining the mission, vision and values of the company and thereby demonstrating his commitment to them. On a daily basis, the CEO walks the floor, talking to employees, listening to their suggestions, achievements and feedback on initiatives and advising them on how to handle challenges and obstacles. The CEO hosts monthly lunches with a group of employees from across the business which provides an informal opportunity for him to gauge internal sentiment.

My Company

100% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Argyll Scott is passionate about developing and promoting their own people. They create bespoke development programmes for individuals who are identified as suitable future leaders. They offer them a combination of offsite, classroom and on the desk training together with ongoing mentoring by the senior leaders of our business and job shadowing as appropriate. Mentoring has been highly effective in allowing managers to discuss management issues with an experienced leader from a different part of the business and to benefit from their different perspective, experience and gain valuable insight from them. Argyll Scott measures the performance of its managers through a set of KPIs and objectives that are set, mutually agreed and reviewed on an annual, quarterly and monthly basis. These are a combination of personal and team performance and revenue targets and headcount growth targets and employee retention and development objectives.


100% of staff agreed

The leader of this organisation runs this organisation based on sound moral principles

The senior management team sits with the recruitment teams in the open plan office. They do not shut themselves away in private offices. They are extremely visible and have an “open door” management policy. The whole of the senior management team, including the CEO, handle recruitment assignments and are client facing so they genuinely lead by example and thereby actively demonstrate their hands on commitment to the values of the organisation. The senior management team jointly present to the business on a quarterly and bi-annually basis to update employees on company performance, initiatives and objectives, linking all activity back to the vision, mission and values of the organisation. By so doing, they are able to demonstrate their commitment to the values of the organisation by showing trust, sharing insight, demonstrating their talent, celebrating the talent and results of the employees and proving their agility. The CEO is extremely approachable and committed to retaining Argyll Scott's talented employees. He participates in the selection process of all UK based employees and senior international employees, taking a personal interest in ensuring they can attract, hire, train, promote and retain the best talent for the business. The CEO participates in the corporate induction programme, personally explaining the mission, vision and values of the company and thereby demonstrating his commitment to them. On a daily basis, the CEO walks the floor, talking to employees, listening to their suggestions, achievements and feedback on initiatives and advising them on how to handle challenges and obstacles. The CEO hosts monthly lunches with a group of employees from across the business which provides an informal opportunity for him to gauge internal sentiment.

My Company

100% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Argyll Scott is passionate about developing and promoting their own people. They create bespoke development programmes for individuals who are identified as suitable future leaders. They offer them a combination of offsite, classroom and on the desk training together with ongoing mentoring by the senior leaders of our business and job shadowing as appropriate. Mentoring has been highly effective in allowing managers to discuss management issues with an experienced leader from a different part of the business and to benefit from their different perspective, experience and gain valuable insight from them. Argyll Scott measures the performance of its managers through a set of KPIs and objectives that are set, mutually agreed and reviewed on an annual, quarterly and monthly basis. These are a combination of personal and team performance and revenue targets and headcount growth targets and employee retention and development objectives.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...


Private Healthcare

Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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