What are companies doing with regards to 'My Team'

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Eficode UK

The marketing and solutions experts and SLT teams have both held several “away days” where they have a day away from the business and discuss pertinent work without any distractions. Following the day they have a social evening. Teams are allocated a budget to use on team bonding nights out, meals, entertainment, and milestone awards.
Annually, the senior team choose an “employee of the year” and two runners up. The winner receives £2,500 and the runners-up each receive £1000. Recently, Eficode UK introduced a “Now That” reward scheme. Every SLT member has a discretionary budget to give non-monetary rewards to any employee or their family for going above and beyond.
The Eficode UK Community Hero Award encourages people in its extended community to nominate people they feel show decency, remarkability or mastery, reflecting the Eficode UK values. The winner from the nominations receive a £100 gift certificate as a personal reward and the organisation donates £100 to a charity of winner’s choice.
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Heathcote & Co

The organisation has introduced a Social Committee inclusive of each department of the company. This committee is responsible for organising several events throughout the year, including two small gatherings and two large gatherings every year.
Heathcote & Co have introduced a ‘Moments of Magic’ reward and recognition scheme. Everyone can write names and on what occasion they have used moments of magic. Each quarter the organisation goes through the best ‘Moments of Magic’, and the chosen one receives a £100 voucher to the restaurant of the individuals’ choice.
Heathcote & Co supports its local community and charities by funding charitable events for its employees by paying their entry fees. Additionally, all full-time employees receive one fully paid day a year to support a local charity through fundraising events or by volunteering their time.
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Business Services

T(n)S Catering Management

T(n)S Catering Management encourages teams to get together and participate in activities, including rugby, archery, and off-site lunches. It has also organised for staff to go on food safaris to try amazing food, ignite ideas, and meet colleagues they would usually talk to on the phone due to working in different parts of the country.
The organisation supports employee growth by looking to promote from within. One example of this is an employee who started with as an Operations Support Manager, and was subsequently promoted to Operations Director Designate following on from their promotion to Operations Manager eight years ago.
T(n)S Catering Management offers an internal management development programme which covers a range of topics, including Financial Performance, Service Standards & Quality, Resource Utilisation, Compliance with all Current Applicable Legislation, Business Retention, Business Development, Menu and Concept Development, Staff Training & Development, and Supporting site KPI Management.
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Education & Training

Educ8 Group

Supporting employees’ health and safety while working from home, the company provides all staff with a £150 ‘Healthy Workstation Allowance’. This allowance ensures that employees have the correct workstation set up at home to work comfortably and effectively. An employee assistance programme is also available to all staff from their very first day of employment.
The organisation’s Gr8 days provides the perfect environment for team building. Employees have the opportunity to relax and meet colleagues within their teams and across the Group. Over 200 staff attended the last Gr8 day, with a business update in the morning followed by a BBQ, garden lawn games, face painting and a live band.
The CEO and leadership team communicate objectives on a regular basis through a business plan that outlines the goals for the company located on a central system for all to access. All new employees are invited to enjoy coffee and croissants with the Directors, where they discuss the Culture, Values and ‘open door’ approach.
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Education & Training

Petty Pool

The Trust dedicates two employee days per year for all its staff. These include a hiking challenge and an outdoor waterpark.. Staff can try water sports such as paddle boarding and an inflatable assault course. Anyone who doesn't wish to be adventurous can enjoy a picnic and relax by the water.
Petty Pool’s uses rewards and recognition to encourage its employees to start living, demonstrating its values and empowering others to do the same. It hosts yearly awards in four organisation value areas and a couple of fun spontaneous recognition awards with all staff across the organisation.
The Trust has an emerging leader programme which includes coaching, training, and developing its top talent. Managers also receive mentoring with senior leaders who have an open door policy where managers can get advice or guidance when it's needed. Petty Pool encourages managers to network with other organisations to support best practice.
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Masentó Group

Weekly ‘Think Bigger’ teams calls with all employees highlight successes and celebrate the journey. Regular socials take place outside of work hours, where the team are invited to attend fun and competitive activities together. There are also two group holiday incentives per year, where the team chose where they would like to go together.
There are two company holidays per year and a chance for employees to win a luxury spa break for themselves and a guest. At Masentó Group's yearly AGM, it award its 'Top Billers' and 'Living The Values' winners with trophies, champagne, and a chance to win a luxury watch.
Masentó Group's leadership team are engaged on an 18-month programme of one-to-one coaching and group sessions with an external company. Some of the topics covered are the power of influencing, embracing discomfort, understanding the different personality styles of their teams, clear communication and being accountable.
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ActiveQuote’s Wellbeing Champions team consists of mental health first-aid trained staff members who are available to chat and support staff at any time. The organisation also has a comprehensive PMI policy which is medical history disregarded and includes mental health cover, and a digital health service provider where people can talk to doctors online.
Each team conducts regular team trips out which include meals and drinks. The organisation also holds a happy hour the second Friday of every month at the end of the for the day for employees to wind down from work. Departments have regular team quizzes at the end of the day on a Friday.
The organisation uses its entry-level role as a type of ‘academy’ where it trains, mentors, and develops its ‘early careers’ talent into future leaders and internally recruit them into other roles. ActiveQuote invest in qualifications for employees too such as Cert CII, CIPD, and DevOps qualifications.
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The Flava People

To foster team energy and unity, the organisation hosts quarterly strategy sessions, providing a platform for collective brainstorming and goal alignment. Additionally, it organises communal cooking events and celebrations, creating opportunities for bonding and relaxation outside of work tasks.
The leadership team fosters organisational clarity through several key practices. They prioritise open and transparent communication, ensuring that all employees are kept informed about company goals, changes, and progress. This is achieved through regular meetings where updates and expectations are clearly communicated. Additionally, directors conduct quarterly strategy sessions to review and refine the company direction.
The organisation works closely with The Message Trust/Community Grocer and have sent staff out on volunteer days to take part in gardening in the community and packing in a grocer's warehouse. The Flava People also donates some of its products and a proportion of its sales to the same charity.
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Not For Profit Body's

Association for Project Management

Association for Project Management organises a range of team building activities, including quizzes, face-to-face training, and fundraising events (which always involve cake!). Employees are also regularly invited to departmental away days, wellbeing coffee mornings, and team volunteering opportunities to encourage team bonding and creative thinking.
Creating clarity has always been a priority for the Leadership Team. Town hall meetings, CEO open door sessions, intranet updates, away days, knowledge share events, departmental meetings, and CEO monthly emails are all effective and popular ways of communicating utilised by Association for Project Management to create clarity for staff.
Association for Project Management has a performance related pay scheme (PRP) open to all staff upon completion of their probationary period. PRP rewards employees for achieving their personal objectives which have been cascaded down from corporate objectives thereby contributing towards the aims of the organisation.
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Birkett Long LLP

Birkett Long rewards staff in many ways, including through team thank you finds which team leaders can use to recognise and reward their teams. The organisation also offers all its people access to Unum, an employee benefits package that provides benefits and wellbeing support to all employees and their families.
The organisation’s Continuous Performance Evaluation scheme consists of four check-ins and is a structured platform to discuss growth, set objectives, and plan development. Each check-in reviews the objectives and allows management to work with the employee to achieve their goals.
All managers at Birkett Long undertake Management Training, with the organisation facilitate full day courses or a series of development programmes. It also provides futher training to managers on subjects such as stress at work, menopause, mental health training, managing remote team members, wellbeing at work, stress and resilience, reward and recognition, and employee
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