Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

For families living with serious childhood illness, time is everything. We provide support whenever it's needed for as long as it's needed.
Hidden mission statement

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Officially a World Class
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Officially a Good
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Officially a Global*
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Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity care about people, providing support for families who have a seriously ill child - including parents, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. Any family can receive free support from the moment of their child's diagnosis.

This national organisation, with a head office in Surrey, provides dedicated support workers for families who have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness. It has teams of support workers across the UK, providing family-led emotional and practical support at home, at the hospital, and in the community.

Its commitment to supporting and developing employees is central to its goal of becoming a high-performing organisation. People care about and support each other at Rainbow Trust and go the extra mile to get things done. The leadership team ensures it has the support it needs, from professional training and development to emotional and practical help, and mentoring.

Staff are encouraged to participate in wellbeing activities including a focus on mental health, self-care, exercise and nutrition, as well as training on managing stress and financial wellbeing.

The charity operates a "total reward" scheme for staff that recognises the diverse needs of the workforce. It focuses on non-financial rewards, as well as remuneration, including learning and development opportunities and/or an attractive and flexible working environment, in addition to the wider benefits package.

As well as a salary review, high performers are given a choice of additional benefits. It means the employee can choose the benefits that are valuable to them.

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Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

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Featured Workplace Factors

Fair Deal

39% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

The charity has an internal performance management process which aims to encourage year-on-year performance and achievement against agreed objectives. It conducts salary benchmarking on an annual basis to assess its pay rates against the market, and percentage pay increases are awarded in line with external market forces, internal considerations, and sustainability.
Personal Growth

89% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

Rainbow Trust encourages mentoring and has an internal mentorship scheme where members of the SLT mentors individuals, identified as high performers or as part of their development and growth. It also sources external mentors in line with individual needs if this is more appropriate for the employee.
Giving Something Back

89% of staff agreed

This organisation has a strong social conscience

Additionally, the charity has a passionate Green Team which is made up of employee representatives from all our different functions. The team’s focus is to drive environmental change by reducing the carbon footprint and empowering employees to reduce energy consumption and enhancing office recycling facilities.
Fair Deal

39% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

The charity has an internal performance management process which aims to encourage year-on-year performance and achievement against agreed objectives. It conducts salary benchmarking on an annual basis to assess its pay rates against the market, and percentage pay increases are awarded in line with external market forces, internal considerations, and sustainability.
Personal Growth

89% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

Rainbow Trust encourages mentoring and has an internal mentorship scheme where members of the SLT mentors individuals, identified as high performers or as part of their development and growth. It also sources external mentors in line with individual needs if this is more appropriate for the employee.
Fair Deal

39% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

The charity has an internal performance management process which aims to encourage year-on-year performance and achievement against agreed objectives. It conducts salary benchmarking on an annual basis to assess its pay rates against the market, and percentage pay increases are awarded in line with external market forces, internal considerations, and sustainability.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
12% : 88%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...
We are extremely proud of our continued achievements and the commitment seen by our staff. We recruit people who are passionate about what we do and we aim to look after them well, because our success, and the care we provide to families, depends on having a team that is motivated, passionate and committed to learning and sharing. With over 38 years of care our vision continues to be that every family in the UK who has a child with a life-threatening illness receives the support they need. It has long been a strategic priority for us to grow our care services to reach more families, both in the regions where we already support and in new areas; and it is extremely exciting that we have established care teams in two new locations - Liverpool and Reading, and that we are piloting an online support project to be able to reach more families outside of the areas we usually operate in. We couldn’t do any of this without our dedicated teams. Thank you!

Zillah Bingley, Chief Executive



Companies that provide support to all employees for non-work related training.


Companies offering school hours contracts to all staff.

Long Service

Companies where at least 40% of the staff have worked there for more than five years.

Women in Senior Management

At least 40% of senior managers are women.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Latest Achievements

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Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

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Rainbow Trust Children's Charity
